Sunday, September 19, 2010

a whole weekend at home...eek!

Firstly wanted to say "hi" from our new location; hope you enjoy our blog. We will over the weeks aim to blog more about events and what's going on in Brisbane for kids and babies and less about life hah!

In the meantime...for some reason master Koby decided to have a "super doopa wingey I only want my mum day today" which considering he's usually Mr Independent I didnt' know what to make of it. I did however manage to sit down for 5 seconds on my own and I realised I hadn't left the house since...*gasp* Friday night and it was now Sunday night.

How did this happen? I recall having the best intentions to go out and accomplish tasks and things on my to do list and yet I never left the house, all weekend except for a walk down the park with Koby. 

Has this ever happened to you? Maybe we are conserving all our energy for all the awesome activities on this week. This is my first School Holidays running alittlebird and wow!! I had no idea there would be so much on; enjoy and have fun!

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